AktaTrak Inventory Management System w/EDI

This system allows toll processors, warehouses, and service centers to track inventory and completely manage their business. The system contains every major function needed in the management of inventory at an a affordable price.

AktaTrak EDI Systems

These system versions are subsets of the complete AktaTrak Inventory Management System and are intended for use by toll processors and warehouses that already have an in-house system but need a system to manage Electronic Data Interchange (EDI) with steel owners.

Aktabase EDI Server Service

This service manages the transfer of data between EDI trading partners. It is available 24/7, pushes data between partners every 30 seconds. We supply EDI to toll processors, warehouses, steel producers, service centers, brokers, ultimate customers, and many others. We have trading partner relationships with many major companies.

MySteelNow Inventory Portal

The MySteelNow Inventory Portal is a web application that allows steel producers, service centers, steel brokers, and other types of steel owners to view, track, and manage their inventory at their toll processors and warehouses from a single source. This product works in conjunction with the AktaTrak Inventory Management System.